Course 1: Programming Essentials Using SAS Enterprise Guide
Instructor: Kirk Lafler Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM
This course is designed to teach the basics of the SAS® System emphasizing the power of the graphical user interface (GUI) features found in SAS® Enterprise Guide (EG). Acquire a working knowledge of the GUI front-end interface along with the built-in wizards to access and perform a variety of input data types; data transformations; reporting and analytical tasks; subset, order, group, and summarize data; join (or merge) tables together; export results to Excel, Word, HTML, and PDF; and organize, view and manage projects, code, and its application-generated flow diagrams visually.
Attendees learn how to use EG’s GUI front-end interface to construct and execute programs using the SAS System; read and process text, ASCII, comma- and tab-delimited, and Excel data; format existing variables and create new calculated variables; create temporary and permanent SAS data sets; subset, order and group data; create detail, summary, tabular and statistical reports; perform conditional programming logic; manipulate numeric and character data; combine data using concatenation, match-merging (or joining) techniques; and manage SAS data sets and projects for added power and flexibility.
Intended Audience: SAS Programmers and End Users
Prerequisites: No previous SAS software experience required
Course Material: Course notes are provided